10 December 2007

Elf Yourself & Go Scrooge Yourself

So our friends at OfficeMax break out the funny little Elves again this year. Updated with 2 more Elves and the ability to add a voice message! Pretty cool, the website gives you a telephone # and access code, and within seconds of you recording your message your voice is added and converted to sound like a little ol' elf :) We are auditioning one of these elves for our new mascot :)
go elf yourself

They also added the ability to GO SCROOGE YOUR SELF too :)

09 December 2007

my $$$ son YOU

JOSEPH REPS (my repping agency) is having their Holiday Party and are giving away a $500 Amex Gift Card for the best MUNNY design :). Can't wait to see the entries. Please check back for updates

08 December 2007

the way i saw my black bean ice cream

i paused when my spoon opened the mouth of the icescream

03 December 2007

A View from ABOVE

One of my favorite things about flying is getting a view from above. On this flight there were some really spectacular cloud formations for a majority of the flight back to NY. I am guessing its from a pending storm that was on its way somewhere :) Second image is of the sunset from the plane...sorry for the exposure here, limits of digi point & shoots :)

30 November 2007


Leslie and I were in Savannah Georgia this weekend and i had an opportunity to walk around and explore:) i ran across this old factory building by our hotel.

23 November 2007

extended exposure with SAMSUNG NV 15-brooklyn midnight

this is an image i took with my new NV15, one of the only P&shoot cameras that can do extended exposure (15sec) this is a 4 sec exposure

21 November 2007


as LESLIE and i were walking up amsterdam ave the night before MACY's thanksgiving day parade, we spotted SANTA'S REINDEER speeding up the street......very cool, have a look, share it print it hang it up on your door, enjoy this image.....just don't let it hit the floor

Night SIGHT from our Production Offices ROOFTOP

taking a break on our rooftop, really nice night

07 November 2007

i will be appearing on "Inside Digital Photography"
a radio program aired on KYCY San Francisco (AM 1550)

heres a link to check it out: http://www.insidedigitalphoto.com/radio-programs/idp-radio-shooting-medium-format-digitally

i-tunes Podcast - http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=203423898
IT WILL BE POSTED AFTER AM BROADCAST and will be listed as 11/7/07 broadcast

LINKS to topics we discussed:

The Digital Back i shoot with PHASE ONE P45.
I have been shooting High End Digital (Phase One) since 1998
starting with Phase One's first single shot baclk the LightPhase

CAPTURE /WORK FLOW software: Phase One's Capture One Pro (C1Pro)

Recent Work:
EXHIBITION: The Factory & Friends- A portrait series of many of the people
that made up Andy Warhols Factory in the late 60's and 70's
BLOG: http://instilledimages.blogspot.com/2007/10/factory-friends.html


Phase One Feature:


Recent Advertising Shoots:
Office Max IMPRESS
MSG - Rangers Hockey

ANY DIRECT questions or
comments can be sent to me here at : chris@instilledimages.com

Project Inquires to MY AGENT: Joe Pritchard
EMAIL: joe@josephreps.com

THANKS to Scott Sheppard & Alexandra Gebhardt of Inside Digital Photography

06 November 2007

Just got back from a FABULOUS exhibition of painter Camille Pissaro.
PISSARO was know as the FATHER OF IMPPRESSIONISM and work alongside younger artist/friends
Paul Cezanne, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Frederic Bazille , as well as Claude Monet.

This was my introduction to PISSARO's work, and what an intro. We had a small private tour with a curator of the Jewish Museum in Manhattan where the exhibition is being held. The works on display are being seen by many for the first time, as all the pieces are from private collections and not in public galleries. The ART CURATOR was very knowledgeable about PISSARO's style and life. PISSARO related to the lower class even though he himself was part of the bourgeoisie. The Impressionists movement was spurred on by photography, funny enough. At the time (late 1800's) Photography had become an accepted way of seeing and documenting. Many painters before the Impressionist movement painted literally. Cropping became more prevalent, and quick brush strokes
allowed for the viewer to fill in the spots and become involved in the process

02 November 2007


I was just featured in the latest Phase One Newsletter by Walter Borchenko

(click image to view article)

Walter also came to the FACTORY and FRIENDS EXHIBITION party on Oct 19th
held at the HP gallery at CALUMET NY
with a video crew and shot this video review.


01 November 2007

PATRICK SMITH piece added to Art Collection

I recently acquired a piece from the artist
PATRICK SMITH ( http://www.blendfilms.com/ ) check out street art section
I first saw his work while walking to my studio in SoHo a few years back.
His COLUMN pieces were mounted....no.... BOLTED, LOCKED DOWN, SECURED on to the STOP sign posts.
Almost like these characters were all working together to hold up the street sign (see detail) Many were still stolen in the dead of night.
They've become sought after pieces of street ART.

Well i am proud to say i have added his work to my personal collection, through a recent show Patrick had at Carlo von Zeitschel's gallery,
CVT Gallery in SoHo ( http://web.cvzcontemporary.com/ )

work as displayed in our production offices in Chelsea

BRAVO Patrick & Carlo for a great show....fantastic art, and a fun party

30 October 2007

Georgia Florida Footbal game

Me and Leslie before the game

and this is how we roll ,....this how we roll, roll roll


29 October 2007

selected images from THE FACTORY & FRIENDS

Victor Borkis, Hartley Pleshaw, Ultra Violet
Neke Carson, Eddie Jo Martinez, Jay Johnson
HOOP , Penny Arcade , Randy Jones

the Factory & Friends

this is a recent exhibition i had at CALUMET's HP Gallery in Chelsea. It was a large scale print exhibit of a photo series i did of Andy Warhol's Factory.

A new website http://www.thefactoryandfriends.com will be launched shortly. On this you will be able view LYNCH's entire portrait series, see behind the scenes video, and check out the gathering of nearly 500 of my friends and factory;) that closed out the exhbition on Oct 19th during Photo Plus East festivities

23 October 2007

exhbition comes down as seen by christopher m. lynch


getting together with friends to celebrate Carlos Fernadez's AKA "TakeOut"
new gig in MIAMI

Hey Carlos remember us when your all hott and sweaty on the beach

Check out the video of that night:

22 October 2007

leslie on 10/22/07 as seen by christopher m. lynch

30 September 2007


Just shot with a new agency
This shop was opened by Niel Powell
(formally of Margeotes Ferretti and Powell)

and Josh Rogers (formally of Berlin- Cameron)

Heres some behind the scenes video of the shoot.......
Nothing beats a REAL reaction to get involved in the shot

Thanks to a great Creative Team:
Brad Dixon (AD) & Mary Williams (CW)
as well as the Jenna Moran WE ARE GIGANTIC's New Business Developer

23 September 2007

Joseph & a Richard Serra Piece @ the MoMa NYC

visited the Richard Serra exhibition at the MoMa
with fellow shooter: JOSEPH CARTRIGHT

20 September 2007

Citibank Shoot behind the scenes

heres some behind the scenes video HAVING fun with the creative team, we were able to dress up Jason & Joel into the costumes used on talent. Freakin ROCKED what a fun end to a shoot. Thanks Jason & Joel for rockin' out with us

MOCK up of the Latest issue of COLONIAL THUG LIFE quarterly


01 August 2007

Recent OFFICEMAX shoot

So here are a few images from a recent OFFICEMAX campaign.
It was great, the creative teams continue to ask for my input, on how i see...on how i envision the image. Its so much fun creating images like this. Actually REALLY fun:)

Shown here are 3 of the 6 CONCEPT pieces we shot over a 3 day period in Chicago.
Also shown is our crew who REALLY pulled together to help make these concepts a reality,

** if you have any questions as to how we did this shoot just shoot me an email i'll do my best to get back to you as soon as i can :) email me @ chris@instilledimages.com

04 July 2007

new piece by ®©TM

" the JACKSON group" by ®©TM

15 June 2007


SOON TO BE RELEASED STOP MOTION FILMS been shooting a bunch of images for stop motion lately, been collecting and adding to an ever expanding file of stop motion shorts. these shorts will soon be published on this blog:

"Tunnel" (soon to be released)
"Walking Shadow" (soon to be released)

"Turntables" (soon to be released)

"Water Towers" (soon to be released)

"la piscina que se sale" (leaking pool) (soon to be released)

10 May 2007

Matrix Hair Academy

recently i was asked to come and discuss CREATIVITY with students at various Matrix Academy classes
i shared with them some of my recent PAINTING work
(see last weeks post)

i had the students alter my "spray,drip, and roll" technique with their hairdryers

Looking to see what visual they see in the paint

and then they shared with the class

Most classes had about 50-75 students and taught with them twice a month
It was fun doing this, firstly not up presenting about my photogrpahy
but about another side of me. It was a kick to see all these people dong this technique and seeing what they saw. Thanks to Chrystofer Benson at the Matrix Academy for asking us to come in