06 November 2007

Just got back from a FABULOUS exhibition of painter Camille Pissaro.
PISSARO was know as the FATHER OF IMPPRESSIONISM and work alongside younger artist/friends
Paul Cezanne, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Frederic Bazille , as well as Claude Monet.

This was my introduction to PISSARO's work, and what an intro. We had a small private tour with a curator of the Jewish Museum in Manhattan where the exhibition is being held. The works on display are being seen by many for the first time, as all the pieces are from private collections and not in public galleries. The ART CURATOR was very knowledgeable about PISSARO's style and life. PISSARO related to the lower class even though he himself was part of the bourgeoisie. The Impressionists movement was spurred on by photography, funny enough. At the time (late 1800's) Photography had become an accepted way of seeing and documenting. Many painters before the Impressionist movement painted literally. Cropping became more prevalent, and quick brush strokes
allowed for the viewer to fill in the spots and become involved in the process

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